Staying Fit after 40 requires a more educated approach to life than when you were in your 20’s and 30’s. With age comes wisdom and
Staying Fit after 40 requires a more educated approach to life than when you were in your 20’s and 30’s. With age comes wisdom and
Take three containers of water, each large enough to fit your hand inside. Fill one with hot water (but not so hot that it burns
Everyone dreams of more freedom in their life. Freedom from pain and suffering, or from financial burden. The freedom to express ourselves. Freedom from hardship
As the popularity of Yoga increases on an international scale, so do the many ideas and perceptions as to what it means to really “practice”
“I perceive the world as I need to in order to realise the fullness of who I am!” “When I perceive the lack of love,
WHAT IS FASCIA, AND HOW IS IT AFFECTING MY YOGA PRACTICE? Connective tissue is the material between the cells of the body that gives form